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Gabriel Knight: "Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned" soundtrack
[ Download from this server (691.9 Kb) ] 2008-06-16, 4:47 PM
Gabriel Knight: "Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned" soundtrack.

I couldn’t find a full GK3 soundtrack in the Internet, so I decided to make my own version of it.
The tracks have been extracted, arranged, merged, resampled, named, and uploaded. I also reduced background noise in some of the tracks.

Most of the tracks are composed of several small parts in the same order as they appear in the game (For example "Grace’s accession” consist of three parts: CSEGRACECLIMB.WAV; CSEPRECLIMB2.WAV; CSEGRACECLIMB2.WAV, and "Nocturne” consists of: NOCTURNEINTRO.WAV; NOCTURNE.WAV; NOCTURNEFAST.WAV).
I did not include into this soundtrack such short parts as: WILKESDEAD.WAV, GABEVISION.WAV, TEMPLEDEATHTAG.WAV etc. There are also 4 fun tracks i have found in the source:
BARDISCO.WAV, CIRCUS1.WAV, CIRCUS2.WAV, PARADE.WAV, and an interesting mix: TE6DEMON.WAV that you can find in "GK Remixes" album.

All the tracks recorded: 128kbps  44kHz. Same quality as in the Game. Total time: 1:23:50,  size - about 80mb.
Enjoy the music, it‘s really great.

Composers: Robert Holmes, David Henry ©1998

01) GK3 Main theme
02) The Hotel (Gabriel’s parts)
03) The Hotel (The Lobby)
04) The Hotel (Dining Room)
05) Tour Magdala
06) St. Mary Magdalene’s church
07) Emilio’s theme
08) San Greal
09) Map theme
10) Map theme (Following)
11) The Couiza Trainstation
12) Larry Chester’s Theme
13) Following Mallory and McDougall
14) The Order
15) Freemasonry Handshake
16) Remembering the Handshake
17) Fingerprints
18) Sneak Theme (Dumbwaiter)
19) San Greal Tavern (When the Saints… blues ver.)
20) The Hotel (Grace’s Parts)
21) Sounds like a Baby Crying
22) Grace's Ascension
23) Trance
24) "Qui est la?!”
25) Nocturne (Montreaux' Study)
26) Pommes Bleu
27) Dark Theme (Le Fauteuil de Diable)
28) Le Serpent Rouge
29) Burring the Manuscript
30) The Black Sedan
31) Saint George’s Books Theme (GK3 ver.)
32) Mesmi
33) Temple Porch
34) The Pendulum
35) Elige Magistrum
36) Veil Chamber
37) Meeting the Vamps
38) Awaking the Asmodeus
39) The Confrontation (GK3 The Schattenjäger Theme)
40) Holy Blood
41) Closing Theme (Incidental Piece)
Bonus tracks:
GK3 soundtrack Cover artwork 1024x1024

Category: Soundtrack | Added by: BelBor
Views: 8234 | Downloads: 748 | Comments: 5 | Rating: 4.9/7 |
Total comments: 5
5 guest  
Big thanks to you for sharing!!!

4 BelBor  
Thank you guys,
As for a ZIP… Well, not everyone has a good connection to download a large archive.
Besides you can choose what track you like to download. I think I just leave it as it is. It took me a lot of time to make this soundtrack section. I think its will be better if I’ll stick to other parts of the site. There are many empty sections waiting to be filled.

3 beholdTHEgolfbag  
oh, btw, should be more efficient creating a zip folder for the mp3? Just a thought wink

2 beholdTHEgolfbag  
Gotta love it!

1 Santi  
An excellent work, Boris. I had a long time plan of extending my own version of the extracted soundtrack, which I made five years ago and which has never been complete, but you beat me to it.
Now all I have to do is download! :)

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