![](../marks/gk2a.jpg) GK2 saved games for English version 1.01 Unfortunately it is not possible to save more than 20 files in the same place that is why the files were divided into two folders. Copy the contains of the archive into the root GK2 directory and choose the required directory from the save\load menu of a game. SAVES1 folder:CHAP1-MID1 CHAP1-MID2 CHAP1-MID3 CHAP1-END CHAP2-START CHAP2-MID1 CHAP2-MID2 CHAP2-MID3 CHAP2-END CHAP3-START CHAP3-CRIMESCENE CHAP3-HUNTCLUB CHAP3-MID CHAP3-POLICE_DEP CHAP3-VONGLOWER CHAP3-END CHAP4-START CHAP4-MID1 CHAP4-MID2 CHAP4-NEUSCHWANSTEIN SAVES2 folder:CHAP4-MID4 CHAP4-MID5 CHAP4-END CHAP5-START CHAP5-MID1 CHAP5-MID2 CHAP5-LODGE CHAP5-LODGE2 CHAP5-LODGE3 CHAP5-WOODS-END CHAP6-START CHAP6-ALTOTTING CHAP6-THEATER CHAP6-MID1 CHAP6-OVERTURE CHAP6-ACT_ONE CHAP6-ACT_TWO CHAP6-ACT_THREE CHAP6-FINAL Download from: the Server