
GK1 Screenshots [47]
GK2 Screenshots [0]
GK3 Screenshots [0]
GK1 Graphic Novel [33]
GK3 Alfa/Beta Shots [54]
GK3 Graphic Novel [18]
Covers [21]
Artworks, Sketches [32]
Talisman Images [18]
Promos [47]
Behind the Scenes [3]
GK1 Cutscenes [12]
GK3 Timeblocks [19]
Posters. Ads [29]
Wallpapers, Collages [23]
I tried to collect all official Wallpapers and Collages made by GK fans. Most of them are by Paula Kutvonen and Nate Wolfe
Fan Art [19]

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Views: 1040 | Dimensions: 885x591px/127.9Kb | Rating: 0.0/0 | Date: 2008-06-27 | BelBor
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Total comments: 3
3 Paula Kutvonen  
No problem, I got a kick out seeing those things again after so many years. What a blast from the past!

1 Paula Kutvonen  
I scanned and edited this one from PC Gamer. I used the original ad as a poster for a long time...

2 BelBor  
Hey Paula, I'm very glad that you've found the way to this page. Hope you don't mind that your works have been placed here.

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