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Day 2, 10 a.m. – noon: Gabriel

Actor Setup

• No one is at the hotel or around in town since they are all on the tour. The museum lady and Jean, the desk clerk, are in place as usual.

Completion Rules

• Get map from Buthane’s room; see gun
• In Lady Howards/Estelle’s room see letter from Woods and take 2 parchments
• See cigarettes, Hapsburg-Lorraine portrait, & Circuit magazine in Abbé’s office
• Scan map and 2 parchments into SIDNEY. Return these items to their rooms.

Completion Action
On entering LBY after all flags are set, play end sequence. Show timeblock change screen, and then play AVI DAY2_12NOON_TRANSITION. Start Grace in CSE.

Views: 898 | Dimensions: 640x480px/64.2Kb | Rating: 0.0/0 | Date: 2008-11-21 | BelBor
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